Monday, June 1, 2009

It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

I'm lurpy. There's no way around it. I've been compared to the likes of trees, towers and tall glasses of water. I still don't fully understand how it is that I get "Oh, I'd love to be your height" nearly once a day. Is it really that the grass is greener on the other side? Do they really want to stand over 90% of this worlds population? Who really cares if the grass is greener, mines softer, obviously taller and smells better than your grass. And still the comments roll in. Just today I was walking out of the post office when an Italian stallion said to me "I sure hope you play basketball" I just looked at him and said "No, I wasn't tall enough" At least I got a chuckle.

Now the reason for this blog is not for complaining. I just noticed that my mind works much differently than the average-heighted persons does. After dropping off my loving man friend to the airport early the other morning I decided rather than driving all the way back to Provo I would head over to work and just lay down in the back of my car. I drive a Ford Escape, which is on the smaller end of the SUV world, but it works for me. I put down the seats and folded my long body in there. 3 hours later wouldn't be such a big deal to the normal human being, but to me, it was eternity. Don't get me wrong, I slept like a baby, I just literally couldn't move once all was said and done. My back hurt, my knees hurt, my neck hurt... It wasn't good. Later that day my boss decided to take us out to lunch for a co-workers birthday. As we piled into his Yukon my mind was in a jealous rage! I saw the size of the back seat ( the seats were down) and all I could think of was how amazing it would have been to sleep in that thing! I could have had full stretch ability. I was coveting a Yukon for heavens sake. That's like the suburban soccer moms of America's dream vehicle and there I was wanting to be part of the club. Get me a sweater vest and a visor. Pathetic.

All I'm saying is don't ask me how the air up here is. It's the same as it is down there.

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